jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2021

Blog Post 4: Childhood Series

 Hello everyone, today I will tell you about two childhood series that I enjoyed too much in my childhood.

Automatically if you ask me the first series I saw in my life, it was the Telettubis. I remember it was the childhood series I loved the most when I was a kid, because, together with my cousins and brother, each one was a character and we played all day long. For example, I was Tinky Winky, my brother was Dispsy, my cousins were Dispsy and Po respectively. As you can see we were born for these characters.

However, before I tell you about the series that taught me the most and that I enjoyed in my childhood, I can't forget some like Ben 10 (when I believed I was an alien), the Rugrats, Doraemon (who didn't want a magic bag?), and the Power Rangers (I was always the red character :D).

But, the series I enjoyed the most as a kid was 31 Minutos. I remember that there wasn't a Saturday morning that I didn't wake up early to watch a single episode. On the other hand, I think I liked all the characters, but Calcetin con Rombos Man and Juan Carlos Bodoque were the best, and also, how not to remember the music ranking, I honestly think that to this day I know all the songs of 31 Minutos hahaha.


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