domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2021

Blog Post 3: My Pets

Hi, classmates and teacher, my family (especially my mom) is a dog fanatic, therefore, It's difficult to talk about all my pets in 170 words, since there are 5 dogs in my house (their name are Matias, Chelo, Luna, Pequeño and Bambam), so I'll do my best.

It all started with Matias, It was my uncle's dog. One day my uncle asked us to please look after of Matias for the summer while his family went on vacation, but we simply never gave it back (it also didn't want to leave). Today, 13 years have passed since that day and It's still with us.

After that day we found four more dogs from the street to take home. After Matias came Chelo (It was given to us in the cemetery), then Bambam (with Chelo it became friends in the street), then Luna (it was left on the street), and finally, Pequeño who was abandoned by a neighbor.

It's amazing how a home with pets changes, especially if there is a dog like the Luna that plays all day (It never runs out of battery!! 😱), the Luna is also very good at destroying everything (honestly It's like a little baby 😂😂). On the other hand, there are also the friends Bambam-Chelo, who are never separated, It walk together all day, eat together and play together. Finally, Matias and Pequeño are both a bit “antisocial”, the first for thinking It's the owner of the house and the other for arriving last, although It's already adapting to the family little by little.

What more can I say? I simply believe that dogs are the best thing in the world, is the reason for saying this: Man's best friend.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! The second and third photos are very adorable! It is a joy to have so many dogs and with such different personalities haha



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