s谩bado, 15 de enero de 2022


As you may already know, this is my sixth year of college, so I have a lot of experience, therefore, if I had to change the study programme, it would definitely be the subjects especially at the beginning of the career (especially in first and second year). For example, a subject called electromagnetism that I took in the second semester, I still don't know why I took it, to this day it has not helped me in my career (this is an example of several). Sincerely, I think that many subjects are there to make the career last 5 years, because if they eliminated the unusable subjects the career would last 4 years (even less).

Another thing that bothers me is that there are many untouchable professors on the faculty, but it is worse when teachers are untouchable and also teach poorly (I will not give names, but whoever is studying chemistry and pharmacy will know them or knew them).

But don't think that everything is bad, just as there are bad teachers, there are also super good teachers (especially when you are in higher grades) with teaching methods that are in line with the reality we are living, even sympathizing with the academic burden that we always have (unfortunately).

Also, I honestly wouldn't change anything about my faculty (even though a cafeteria wouldn't be a bad idea).  I like the rooms, the aula magna is beautiful, it has a lot of green area, or the place known as "los pastos", where you could have parties (when you could go 馃槩馃槶馃槶馃槶).

Blog Post 6: Time travel to the future

First, a little reflection, just the thought that our life span is nothing compared to the time that has passed and will continue to pass makes my head explode. How many things in the future I will miss is a mystery, but we should always be thankful how fortunate we are to have been a part of history.

Well as for the question, I feel that mine is more for science. Just the thought of all the new diseases, treatments and even discoveries that I will miss out on makes me sad, but if I can travel to the future I can definitely be there the day the cure for diseases like dementia is discovered, the total cure for cancer or even travel to where no mask is used would be perfect (no more pandemic 馃槗).

On the other hand, who wouldn't like to witness the first contact with beings from other planets. To know how they will be, with what intentions they will come, what is their way of communicating. Unfortunately, I think these are questions that may not be answered in our short lives.

But, I want most at this moment is to know how my daughter will grow up in the future (yes, I was a dad in pandemic). I would like to see her when she grows up and ask her if I will be a good dad, also know what she will like, also to know if she likes the area of health as much as I do.

But I sincerely hope that time goes slowly so that I can enjoy my daughter as much as possible.

Blog Post 5: My Future Job

Well, I'm already in my sixth year of my career, and It's still a question that I haven't completely solved. One of the main reasons why I'm studying chemistry and pharmacy is the career field that the career has. I have also had many teachers who have motivated me to follow one area or another.

Therefore, personally, there are 3 fields that catch my attention. The first one is the clinical area, I love being able to help different health professionals with my knowledge. Learning more about the different pathologies or treatments is also very interesting.

Secondly, the industrial area where all the country's pharmaceuticals are manufactured is a very challenging task. In addition, within the industry there are different areas that I can work in, such as quality control or directly in the manufacture of the drug, and even the design of new drugs seems fantastic to me.

But with all my heart, I'm hoping that someday Chile will be a manufacturer of biopharmaceuticals or vaccines to introduce me in this world that is totally different from the manufacture of "common" drugs.

Finally, once I feel satisfied with all the knowledge acquired in the two areas mentioned previously, I would like to create my own pharmacy and apply everything I have learned. Therefore, being my own boss is my dream for the future.


As you may already know, this is my sixth year of college, so I have a lot of experience, therefore, if I had to change the study programme,...