sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Blog Post 5: My Future Job

Well, I'm already in my sixth year of my career, and It's still a question that I haven't completely solved. One of the main reasons why I'm studying chemistry and pharmacy is the career field that the career has. I have also had many teachers who have motivated me to follow one area or another.

Therefore, personally, there are 3 fields that catch my attention. The first one is the clinical area, I love being able to help different health professionals with my knowledge. Learning more about the different pathologies or treatments is also very interesting.

Secondly, the industrial area where all the country's pharmaceuticals are manufactured is a very challenging task. In addition, within the industry there are different areas that I can work in, such as quality control or directly in the manufacture of the drug, and even the design of new drugs seems fantastic to me.

But with all my heart, I'm hoping that someday Chile will be a manufacturer of biopharmaceuticals or vaccines to introduce me in this world that is totally different from the manufacture of "common" drugs.

Finally, once I feel satisfied with all the knowledge acquired in the two areas mentioned previously, I would like to create my own pharmacy and apply everything I have learned. Therefore, being my own boss is my dream for the future.

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As you may already know, this is my sixth year of college, so I have a lot of experience, therefore, if I had to change the study programme,...